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The Photo Page.

Here we can relive those special moments, that have happend on and off the pitch, well off the pitch actually.
Just choose which group of photo's you want to see by pressing the link. Fun or what.

NAMS 2001 Official Team Photo.

Tonight categories are:-

CHUNDER-CATS We are known to have a few quiet beers after the game.
Hot Girls One of the most visited hubs on the Internet (Honest!)
Weird Stuff One of the least visited sites on the internet (Unless you are weird yourself)
Our friendsA place to remember old friends, and enemies.

If you have any photo's you would like to add, give um to me.

Here is the pick of the bunch from past events.

NAMS 2000Vintage year for drinking, best to forget about the hockey
NAMS 2001One of the best years for drinking exploits and the Hockey was majestic.
AU Ball 2000The year we graced the millenium stadium
AU Ball 2001 A good night for taking top honours
Action Shots We also play a bit of hockey as well
Christmas Social 2000 The night we all got wasted at the Hawian (nativity theme)