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The Birds



Having suffered relegation to South Wales division 2 last season, things looked bleak for the Medics. Several key players left to pursue hockey in so-called "proper" clubs (no comment) and a couple of our veterans qualified entering a world of "on-calls" and weekend shifts, meaning hockey had to come second. In our darkest hour, our only hope was the freshers fair...

And along came a bunch of keen, bright eyed, bushy tailed (and notably drunk) first years.

Our new signings conisist of the following:

The man-mountain that is David "Smeg" Harvie, one of the few goalies in medic history to actually own his own kit! Tom "Grizzly" Lovejoy, this sharp-shooter is possibly the hairiest forward to ever grace our team sheet. Matt "Pikey" Davies, he may be small but its amazing how much vodka he can put away and just how often he'll bite the opposition. Tom "S**t-boy" Cromarty, our highly effective right-winger who promises to be the next laurie...we can only hope. Lewis "Jolly-green" Connolly, this clinical giant joined our happy little club despite never picking up a hockey stick in his life, probably because they don't make any big enough for him. Andrew Barclay, a non-medic but we refuse to hold that against him, this young historian has decided to join the medics team rather than the cardiff uni club, a good decision my boy! And last but certainly not least is Ed "no-name" Rawstorne, whos ability to keep a clean nose and respectable image has resulted in a distinct lack of nickname...as of yet.



League results from season 03/04

Erm...too many to remember...3rd in the league at the mo, still a chance of promotion, doing well, watch this space.....


Humilliating!! The only two teams in our BUSA league this season (Glamorgan and Aber) have given us that unique "cannon-fodder" experience. Despite our most gallant efforts, a lack of first team players combined with poor moral during these fixtures resulted in Smeg letting in more goals in four matches than he had done in all of his previous games since his career as a goalie started!


NAMS represents our mixed med student hockey competition. We beat UCL up and lost to B'ham. With matches against St.Georges and Bristol left, there is still a (small) chance of reaching the finals to defend our Plate trophy from last season. Southampton, rather unsportingly, claimed the points on a fixture that the girls couldn't make, after they'd already postponed an earlier fixture and only letting us know that we had no accomodation two nights before (despite us welcoming them into our homes and hearts last season when they visited Cardiff on tour!) GOPHERS, YOUR TIME WILL COME.....